KB joins the Digital Preservation Coalition
The KB has joined the DPC, a charitable foundation which globally supports preservation of digital content and services.

Wilma van Wezenbeek appointed new Director General of the National Library
The KB has appointed Wilma van Wezenbeek as its new Director General. Van Wezenbeek succeeds Lily Knibbeler, who will step down per July 1. Van Wezenbeek will start her new position as of 1 September.

KB publishes its 2024 - 2030 collection strategy
This month the KB, National Library of the Netherlands, published its new strategy for the formation of the National Library collection. Read here what this involves.

Stolperstein placed in front of the KB
Today, a Stolperstein was placed in front op the KB to commemorate Lion Kunstenaar, a victim of the Nazis during World War 2.

KB reaches 1 in 3 of the Dutch population through digital services
Last year, the KB reached 1 in 3 of the Dutch population with its digital services. Read more about our annual report.

KB opens KB_Datalab for research on digital collections
Recently, the KB_Datalab was opened. In this space, researchers can utilise collections which are not accessible outside the KB.

Lily Knibbeler to step down as Director General
Lily Knibbeler is set to step down as Director General of the KB as of 1 July 2024. She announced this news today.

10 years of borrowing e-books via the library
On January 21st 2014, you could borrow e-books via the Dutch library for the first time. These days, you can also borrow audio books and magazines.

KB restricts access to collections for training commercial AI
The KB is taking precautions to prevent the crawling of digital sources for training generative AI. Read what this means here.

Connected Digital Heritage programme line launched
The Connected Digital Heritage programme line was recently launched. This programme line, run by Stichting Pica in association with the KB, makes it possible to connect digital heritage collections with each other