First sketches presented of the KB’s new book repository
The architectural firm Office Winhov has presented the first sketches of the new book repository that the KB National Library of the Netherlands is set to build. These so-called Provisional Designs focus on security and sustainability.

Annual report KB: National Library’s online services continuously popular in 2022
In 2022, the websites of the Online Library, the Youth Library and attracted almost 6.5 million visits. Read more in the annual report 2022 of the KB National Library of the Netherlands.

Public libraries open Warm Spaces
Public libraries in the Netherlands join the Warm Spaces campagne of the Salvation Army.

Ukraine web collection captures the online impact of the war
The IIPC (International Internet Preservation Coalition) has started collecting international websites that report on the conflict in Ukraine. Discover this collection.

The National Library celebrates 225 years!
This year is the National Library’s 225th anniversary! We have planned various ways to mark the anniversary during these 225 days. Discover our plans.

Portico and KB extend their collaboration to support preservation of the scholarly record
Portico and the KB, National Library of the Netherlands, are pleased to announce that they have extended their longstanding collaboration to host an online replica of the Portico archive at the KB. Read more about this collaboration.

Library members borrowed more audio books in 2022
Provisional figures from the Dutch online Library show that in 2022, library members borrowed considerably more audio books than in the previous year. The figures seem to show that young members also enjoy audio books: 35% of the audio books borrowed in 2022 were youth titles.

Libraries make their foreign language collections easier to find has published a new tool that provides an overview of all non-Dutch language books that libraries in The Netherlands have on offer. The dashboard shows which titles are available in which form (physical books, e-books, audiobooks) and in which location.

The KB has a new Research Agenda
The KB has updated its Research Agenda. Read here about the topics the KB will be researching over the next 4 years.

KB celebrates 20th anniversary of its e-Depot
Twenty years ago today, the KB National Library of the Netherlands launched its e-Depot. The creation of this digital archive was big news in 2002. The KB was the first organisation in the Netherlands to start preserving material that was originally published in digital form. Today, the e-Depot contains more than 40 million publications.