
Copy and print


  • black and white copy on A4 format: € 0.05
  • black and white copy on A3 format: €0.10
  • colour copy on A4 format: €0.50
  • colour copy on A3 size: €1

Have a copy made at the Special Collections desk

  • A4 copy: € 0.60

Self-printing via network   

  • black-and-white print order via network (public pc or laptop): €0,05
  • colour print job via network (public pc or laptop): €0,50
  • A4-size printout on reader printer (from microfilm): €0.10
  • A3-format print on reader-printer (from microfilm / sheet): €0.20


  • cost of damaged, lost or not returned book: variable

Ordering high-quality digital reproductions

Hi-res reproductions (jpg, 300ppi, Adobe RGB):

  • A4 format (21 x 29cm): per piece €4
  • A3 format (30 x 40cm): per piece €5.50
  • A2 format (40 x 60cm): € 8each
  • A1 format (60 x 80cm): €15.50 per piece

Shipping method digital as download. For urgent mail a double rate applies, with a minimum of €27.

Requests from the KB and other libraries

Rates for requesting books and scans from the KB collection or from other libraries via Interlibrary Loan (ILL)



  • Book for loan (KB members only - book delivered from other library will be sent to KB) € 13
  • Books sent to home address, per book (optional): € 6.50


  • A4 per article from a magazine or chapter from a book: € 6.50, for KB members. It is not possible to request entire publications.
  • A4 per article from a magazine or chapter from a book: € 10, for non-KB members. It is not possible to request complete publications.

Non-profit organisations


  • Book for loan (book delivered from other Dutch library): € 13
  • Postage for forwarding per book (not optional): € 6.50
  • Book for loan (book delivered from foreign library): € 19. Postage for forwarding per book (not optional): € 10. The total amount per book is therefore € 29.

The total amount per book is therefore €19.50.


A4 per article from a magazine or chapter from a book: €10. It is not possible to request entire publications.

Profit organisations

Since 1 April 2019 it is no longer possible to apply as a profit organisation.

For foreign libraries and individuals


Book on for loan (only for foreign libraries and only from KB collection): € 13. Postage for forwarding per book (not optional): € 6.50


A4 per article from a magazine or chapter from a book: € 10 (only scans from Dutch libraries). It is not possible to request entire publications. 


The costs for advice/guidance in the field of conservation and restoration are variable.