Public library work
Public libraries, Provincial Support Institutions (POIs) and the KB jointly determine the course of the library system. They do this with the Network Agenda, which contains agreements about the ambitions of libraries, goals and decisions about who is responsible for what. Together they develop programs that contribute to the following three social tasks:
- reading promotion: youth, adults
- participation in the information society
- lifelong development
Examples of these programs are:
- Basic Skills (Basisvaardigheden)
- Digital Inclusion (Digitale Inclusie)
- IDO's (Informatiepunten Digitale Overheid)
- Library at School (Bibliotheek op School).
What do public libraries and the KB want to achieve?
The Network Agenda stems from the Library Covenant. This was closed in 2020 by the Public Libraries Association (VOB), the Provincial Suport Institutions Association (SPN) , the KB and local, provincial and national governments. These parties are fighting together for a future in which every Dutch person has access to a fully-fledged public library within a reasonable distance.
A full-fledged public library offers all 5 library functions. Those are:
- making knowledge and information available
- provide development and education
- promote reading and introduce literature
- organize meeting and debate
- introduce you to art and culture