Delpher ANP radio bulletins digital

Delpher ANP radio bulletins digital is a source of daily news in the form that radio news used to be presented many years ago. The KB provides these bulletins as a dataset data.

What will you find in the Delpher ANP radio bulletins digital dataset?

Delpher ANP radio bulletins digital allows you to research 48 years of Dutch radio news. The collection consists of 1,474,359 digitized transcripts, known as typoscripts. The dataset contains news items by journalists, typoscripts of radio bulletins and sound recordings of radio broadcasts by the ANP radio news service.
These transcripts and radio bulletins reflect an important part of recent Dutch history. The information teaches you more about the Dutch perspective on global news, from the end of World War II to the assassination of John F. Kennedy

How is the information presented?

The following files are available for each typoscript:

  1. high-resolution image of the original typoscript (JPG format)
  2. full-text file created via automatic OCR (room for improvement)
  3.  file with the coordinates of every word of the typoscript (ALTO in XML)
  4. metadata (MPEG21-DIDL) for the description of the typoscript and to show the cohesion between files 1, 2 and 3

The metadata and digital objects in the set are roughly 1 terabyte. Refer to the technical manual of the ANP set for examples of the metadata records, the JPG, OCR and ALTO files and information on how to request them via the download API on the basis of OAI-PMH, or the search API on the basis of SRU.

Conditions for re-use

Delpher ANP radio bulletins digital is available under a free (or semi-free) licence: a CC0 licence is needed for the metadata, and a CC-BY-NC-ND licence  licence is needed for the individual objects (images and text).

Contact and feedback

We are interested to know who uses our datasets, and how they are used. So please send an e-mail with your contact details and a brief explanation of what you intend to do with the data to @email. Feedback is always welcome. If you provide us with your personal details, we will keep you informed about any relevant developments, such as changes to the dataset or the release of new datasets.