- position: Board Member, portfolio Research & Discovery
- department: management
- email address: @email
- Twitter: @MartijnKleppe
- LinkedIn: Martijn Kleppe
- ORCID: Martijn Kleppe
- Mastodon: Martijn Kleppe
- digital humanities
- artificial intelligence
- data science
- digital infrastructures for research
- digital heritage
Network and collaborations
- Netwerkagenda, koersgroep Kwaliteit en Kennis
- Future Libraries Lab
- Cultural AI Lab
- Netwerk Digitaal Erfgoed, adviesraad Onderzoek | Advisory board Research
- SURF, Wetenschappelijke Technische Raad (WTR) | Scientific Technical Board
- Nationale Onderzoeksraad Erfgoed | National Research Board Heritage
- Kleppe, M., Veldhoen, S., Waal-Gentenaar, M., den Oudsten, B. & Haagsma, D. Verkenning mogelijkheden automatisch metadateren. KB, 2019.
Published articles
- Loddo, M., Boersma, F., Kleppe, M. & Vingerhoets, K. 'Experimenting with 360° and virtual reality representations as new access strategies to vulnerable physical collections: Two case studies at the KB, National Library of the Netherlands'. IFLA Journal 2021.
- Kleppe, M. & Ossenbruggen, J. van. 'Wees niet bang om AI te gebruiken'. IP | vakblad voor informatieprofessionals 3(2020): 20-21.
- Kleppe, M., Smits, T. & Faber, W.J. 'Three perspectives on a collaborative attempt to use computer vision techniques to automatically classify historical newspaper images'. Proceedings of the Twin Talks Workshop at DHN 2019, co-located with Digital Humanities in the Nordic Countries (DHN 2019). 5-12.
Presentations at congresses
- Kleppe, M., Wilms, L. & Claeyssens, C. 'Beyond Assisting Digital Humanities Scholars: 5 Years of Researchers-in-Residence at the National Library of the Netherlands'.Conferentiepresentatie bij de Liber Conferentie, 26 juni 2019.
- Kleppe, M. (2018). 'Bringing Digital Humanities to the wider public: libraries as incubator for DH research results'. Keynote at the Language Technologies & Digital Humanities 2018 Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 20-21 september 2018.
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