Individual digital publications can be deposited via our web desk.
What can I deposit?
Publications must meet our depot’s inclusion criteria. Also keep the following points in mind:
- Only deposit complete publications. We do not accept individual articles and documents without a cover or title page.
- Always send the 'clean version' of a publication, without comments and markup for the publisher.
- Newsletters and annual publications will be reviewed for inclusion after submission of a first copy.
- We will inform you if we are unable to accept your publication.
We will inform you if we are unable to accept your publication.
How depositing works
You can deposit digital publications online yourself. If you want to deposit a large amount of digital publications, please contact @email. Do you want to file a physical publication? Go to the page about depositing physical publications.
Sign up as a supplier
Have you already signed up as a supplier? Then you can log in directly at our web portal.
Not yet registered as a supplier? You must first create an account in our web portal.
Suitable file types
We accept the following types of files:
- Digital monographic publications in PDF or ePub format.
- Digital periodical publications only in PDF format.
- Periodical publications are books, reports and issues of magazines and newsletters.
We are currently unable to accept other file types in our depot, as we can only guarantee long-term digital durability for PDF and ePub files.
Do you have questions about depositing digital publications? Please contact us via @email.