
Are you a researcher and would you like to access more digital collections than you would be able to outside the KB (for reasons of e.g. copyright or privacy)? Are you interested in performing computational analysis on these digital collections? The KB_Datalab has two workspaces available where, under certain circumstances, you can be granted access to these protected digital collections in a secure environment. This allows you to view the collections and perform text- and datamining. 

Who can use the KB_Datalab?

The KB_Datalab is intended for researchers who want to use our digital collections for computational research. In the KB_Datalab, we can offer more research possibilities around our data collections, such as full text search, better indexing and linkgraphs. 


With the KB_Datalab, we are able to offer more digital collections for research purposes. Due to legislative restrictions, a number of the KB’s collections cannot be used outside the walls of the KB. However, these data collections can be interesting to researchers. By offering them in a secure room, researchers can use the collections when certain conditions are met. Whilst they cannot make any copies or take the files home, researchers can have the results of their algorithms checked and use these to perform further research. 

Accessibility of the KB_Datalab

The KB_Datalab is one of the KB’s data services. You can find more information about the KB’s web collection on the page about the web archive.

Access to the KB_Datalab requires a KB membership. Please contact the KB_Datalab to discuss the possibilities.

Please contact the KB_Datalab to discuss the possibilities.
