Onsland.nl was launched today. With digitised archives, photos and objects, this website contains more than 250,000 resources about the shared history of the Netherlands and Indonesia. These come from private collections and those of around 65 institutions, including the National Archives, NIOD Institute for War, Holocaust and Genocide Studies, and the Rotterdam City Archives. Millions more new sources will be added in the coming years.
A major need for information
Onsland.nl fulfils a major need for information, says Yvonne van Genugten, director of the Indisch Herinneringscentrum (East Indies Memorial Centre): "The shared history of the Netherlands and Indonesia has never really received the exposure it deserves. There are nearly 2 million Dutch people with Indonesian roots or a historical connection to the country who would like to delve deeper into this history for personal reasons. Onsland.nl is also handy for educational purposes and benefits those with a general interest in the subject. The launch of this website takes the shared knowledge of the Netherlands and Indonesia a step further."
More collections digitised
The KB's Metamorfoze digitisation programme coordinates the digitisation of the sources accessed on Onsland.nl. Programme coordinator Louise Rahardjo: "There have been 3 rounds in which individuals or institutions with Indies heritage collections could request digitisation. Collections from 10 institutions have already been digitised, yielding over 1.5 million scans for Onsland.nl, and collections from eight more institutions are currently being digitised. Over four million scans are expected to have been made by the end of the programme. So Onsland.nl will continue to be supplemented."